Win: Windows
Lin: Red Hat and SUSE Linux
Sol: SUN Solaris
HPUX: Hewlett-Packard UNIX version
Mac: Apple Macintosh
Ubu: Ubuntu/Debian
WM: Windows Mobile
The version (e.g. Lin:8.1) corresponds to the version of the IEM product (8.1) in which the inspector was introduced in the client on that platform.
The version number is not shown if it is less than 8.0.
Session Objects
These Inspectors retrieve information about properties of the BES Client computers. They allow you to access information in the BES databases and display it in the Console and the Web Reports program. As well as current statistics, the BES database also maintains historical statistics that can be used to create long-term reports.
bes action
The <bes action> Inspectors are used to access information about the actions which have been issued by the BES Operators. You can iterate over the actions to create lists. Each action may have several properties that can be examined.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return Type | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes action set
The <bes action set> Inspectors return the iterated list of BES Actions, converted into a set to make it easy to do set arithmetic with the list.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return Type | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes action with multiplicity
The <bes action with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with arrays of BES Actions, allowing you to extract unique actions and count them.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes action status
The <bes action status> Inspectors return information about the status of BES Actions, such as whether it is running, evaluating, expired, and more.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return Type | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes action parameter
A Fixlet can incorporate parameters in its associated Action(s). When the Fixlet becomes relevant to the network, the BES Console will prompt the user for the value of the parameter. For example, a Fixlet Action might need to start a Windows service specified by the Console user. When the the Action is taken, the Console would prompt for the name of the service. That value would then be passed down to the BES Client and substituted into the local Action script upon execution.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes action result
The <bes action result> Inspectors examine the results of BES Actions, which can be used to make reports.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes computer
The <bes computer> Inspectors return lists of the computers currently visible through the BES Console.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return Type | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes computer set
The <bes computer set> Inspectors convert an iterated list of computers into a set, which allows you to perform intersections, unions and other mathematical operations on them.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return Type | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes computer with multiplicity
The <bes computer with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with arrays of BES computers, allowing you to extract unique computers and count them.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes computer group
The <bes computer group> Inspectors return an iterated list of computer groups, as defined in the BES Console.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return Type | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes computer group set
The <bes computer group set> Inspectors convert an iterated list of computer groups into a set, which allows you to perform intersections, unions and other mathematical operations on them.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return Type | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes computer group with multiplicity
The <bes computer group with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with arrays of BES computer groups, allowing you to extract unique computer groups and count them.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes client setting
The <bes client setting> Inspectors return the name, value and scope of BES Client settings. These are named variables that are used to report on and control various client behaviors.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes fixlet
The <bes fixlet> Inspectors allow you to iterate over the BES Fixlet messages to create lists of various Fixlet properties such as name, ID, site, and more.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return Type | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes fixlet set
The <bes fixlet set> Inspectors iterate over the current set of BES Fixlets and package them as a mathematical set, suitable for further set manipulation.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return Type | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes fixlet with multiplicity
The <bes fixlet with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with arrays of BES fixlets, allowing you to extract unique fixlets and count them.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes fixlet action
The <bes fixlet action> Inspectors let you examine BES Actions that are attached to Fixlet messages.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes fixlet result
The <bes fixlet result> Inspectors allow you to inspect the results of BES Fixlet messages, including relevance and affected computers.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes activation
The <bes activation> Inspectors examine the various Analyses that have been activated on the networked BES Clients.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes baseline component
The <bes baseline component> Inspectors return the individual components of a Baseline, such as Fixlets, Tasks or other Baselines.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes baseline component group
Baselines provide a method of grouping Actions from multiple Fixlets, Tasks, or other Baselines. Once a Baseline is defined (in the BES Console) the Actions are all grouped for simulataneous application. This technique allows you to form natural groupings of Actions for a single-click deployment.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes comment
bes property
The <bes property> Inspectors return information about the properties of BES Client computers. Properties -- along with their names, IDs and definitions -- can be iterated to produce property lists of all your networked BES computers.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return Type | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes property set
The <bes property set> Inspectors iterate over the current set of BES properties and package them as a mathematical set, suitable for further set manipulation.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return Type | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes property with multiplicity
The <bes property with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with arrays of BES properties, allowing you to extract unique properties and count them.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes property result
The <bes property result> Inspectors return the results returned by the given properties of the specified BES Client computers.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes server
The <bes server> Inspectors return information about the BES Server, allowing Dashboards and Web Reports to access files and other information from the BES database.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes user
The <bes user> Inspectors let you keep track of the users authorized to use the BES Console. You can iterate over the users, producing lists containing information such as the name and authorization level.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return Type | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes user set
The <bes user set> Inspectors iterate over the current set of BES users and package them as a mathematical set, suitable for further set manipulation.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return Type | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes user with multiplicity
The <bes user with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with arrays of BES users, allowing you to extract unique users and count them.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes filter
The <bes filter> Inspectors return the filters, which represent the criteria used by the Find command (Ctrl-F in the BES Console). The filters are specific to computers, computer groups, Actions, Analyses, Baselines, Unmanaged Assets, Users, Tasks or Fixlets, and are appropriately flagged.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return Type | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes filter set
The <bes filter set> Inspectors return the iterated list of BES Filters, converted into a set to make it easy to do set arithmetic with the list.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return Type | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes filter with multiplicity
The <bes filter with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with arrays of BES filters, allowing you to extract unique filters and count them.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes unmanagedasset
The <bes unmanagedasset> Inspectors provide access to externally sourced data, such as that resulting from Nmap scans on client computers. The results, such as OS, Device Type, Network Card Vendor, and Open Ports, are uploaded to the BES Server for storage and analysis. These Inspectors provide a way to monitor and report on mobile or hand-held devices that are not traditional BES Clients, but instead use "microAgents" to report their status. For more information on currently supported devices, consult the BigFix support pages.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return Type | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes unmanagedasset field
The <bes unmanagedasset field> Inspectors provide authors with access to the individual fields of various unmanaged assets. Each field consists of a name / value pair, analogous to BES properties. There are three types of fields:IdentifyingField: Each asset must have one IdentifyingField, such as a MAC Address, which is used to identify and correlate different reports from the same asset.FilterableField: These are displayed in the Console in both the Unmanaged Asset list and the unmanaged asset document, allowing sorting and filtering.NonFilterable: These are only displayed in the Unmanaged Assets document, and typically return a large amount of data, such as a list of vulnerabilities.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes unmanagedasset set
The <bes unmanagedasset set> Inspectors iterate over the BES unmanaged assets and return a set of such assets.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return Type | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes unmanagedasset with multiplicity
The <bes unmanagedasset with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with arrays of BES unmanaged assets, allowing you to extract unique properties and count them.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes site
The site Inspectors return the names and IDs of the specified site objects. As of BES 7.0, the BES custom site type has been merged with BES site, which now represents all supported types, including external sites, master action sites, operator sites, and custom sites. All properties of BES custom site are now accessible via BES site. As a compatibility measure, BES sites still returns only external and master action sites.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return Type | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes wizard
The <bes wizard> objects are Console-only Inspectors that return a list of the available BES Wizards.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return Type | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes wizard variable
The <bes wizard variable> objects are Console-only Inspectors that return a list of the available BES Wizard variables.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes wizard set
The <bes wizard set> Inspectors iterate over the BES Wizards and return a set of such wizards.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return Type | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes wizard with multiplicity
The <bes wizard with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with arrays of BES Wizards, allowing you to extract unique properties and count them.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes wakeonlan status
The <bes wakeonlan status> objects are Windows Inspectors that return the status of the BES WakeOnLan feature.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes deployment option
These options allow you to customize the behavior of your BES deployment. They are set by the system administrator in the BES Admin Tool, under the Advanced Options tab.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes domain
BES Domains are collections of sites that constitute a product, such as Patch Management. In the BES Console, domains are represented as the high-level buttons on the left side of the screen. Listing the domains for the Console yields all the currently loaded domains. In Web Reports, only those domains with at least one visible report are listed.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return Type | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes domain set
The <bes domain set> Inspectors return the current collection of BES Domains as a set, which can be manipulated by intersection, union, and more.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return Type | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |
bes domain with multiplicity
The <bes domain with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with sets of BES Domains, allowing you to extract unique domains and count them.
Creation Methods
Declaration | Description | Platforms (?) |
Declaration | Return type | Description | Platforms (?) |